Monday, June 29, 2009

Let the Nations Rejoice!

Greetings from Bangkok. Each day we are here, I fall a little more in love with this city. The people here are amazing, and so are the many sights to see. Sunday brought us a trip to church with the girls, and to put it simply, I had the most intimate God moment that I have had so far on this trip. Having never been on a mission trip before, and actually, having only left the country once to go to Canada, I had never experienced a worship service done in a different language. The service we attended Sunday was done completely in Thai. As the worship leader opened the service, I was nervous as to how much I would even be able to understand. My fears were put quickly to rest, as the worship leader began to sing the classic worship song "Above All". As we chimed in with English, our voices blended with the Thais around us, and in that moment I realized, probably for the first time that although we were singing in different languages, we were lifting praises to the same God, coming before Him with the same humble hearts. I realized that although the language barrier has been, and will probably continue to be, one of the biggest difficulties on this trip, that my Lord doesn't have a language barrier, and that He hears the prayers of all of his people. During this time of worship, I began to look around at our girls. Knowing what some of them have come from, it is amazing to me that they can even praise God at all. However, as I looked at their faces, I saw genuine hearts that recognize their Savior, and the unconditional love that He has for them. These girls understand what is to be given freedom from Christ on a greater scale than what I ever could, and to see them fully embrace the freedom they have been given has blessed my heart tremendously. 

On a funny note, all of us American girls ate some bugs for lunch yesterday. Eating a bug was the one thing I said I would not do in Thailand. However, they were one of the 'options' we had for lunch, and the girls talked me into trying it. It really wasn't that bad and actually tasted like potato chips. The only gross part was when the legs stuck in my teeth.


We had our first full-blown Bangkok shopping experience yesterday. Ann, the house mom here at Beginnings took us out to a fashion fair and to the MBK center, which was pretty much the most incredible thing I've ever seen. We were able to barter, and to get things that in America would be ridiculously expensive. How fun! It was crazy crowded, but we enjoyed it, and Lyndsey was a champ at bartering. We were definitely ready to crash when we got home. 

That's all for now! 

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